Sunday, September 15, 2024

Summer 2024

 We had a busy summer, so much so that I am huddling in my house with a gnarly cough a couple weeks into school starting and I have no idea where the time went. We kicked the summer off with a lot of family and a wedding!

Congratulations to Cooper and Morgan (the happy couple) we had a fun day celebrating with you!

Laszlo won a contest to have a picture he drew as the cover for the yearbook this year. It turned out so cute and he's very proud of his art.

We got to do some fun activities with cousins including Thanksgiving Point.

And we got to walk through the Layton Temple open house. Paul and Laszlo went with the youth activities groups from church, so Lee, Arthur and I went on our own.

The kids got to have sleep overs with Grandma Karen and Aubrie when she came for a visit.

And since I had evening rehearsals, there were a lot of "boys nights" this summer...

For the fourth of July we got to do some camping with the Phillips family. Lee's brothers joined and we had a great time fishing and kayaking.

I didn't catch any fish--just a nasty sunburn--but Laszlo did! He proved to be quite the fisherman with grandpa Dave's help, and Grandma Karen cooked them up. They were delicious!

This summer was pretty hot, which didn't encourage much bike riding, but we still went for rides a few times.

We tried to hit a few of the local favorite spots and events: the sidewalk chalk art festival was awesome, the kids loved Cherry Hill even though I somehow managed to not bring their swimsuits, and as always we love going to the pioneer day carnival every year.

I took Laszlo and Paul to see the musical School of Rock, which they were super into...

And Grandpa Dave invited us to his bring the family to work day event and it was really cool! The factory tour was fun and there was a ton of treats and fun things for kids.

To celebrate the last few days of summer vacation, we visited the Hogle Zoo. The train is running again and a new area has opened so we had to check it out. The kid's favorite animal at the zoo is now the badger.

And through all of this activity, there was swimming lessons, summer camps, and rehearsals for Mary Poppins filling every spare minute.

It was so fun to get to play one of the best roles of all time, but I definitely needed quite a bit of R & R after closing night. I got sick during the last week and managed to hold my voice together long enough to finish the show, but the recovery has been slow.

Lee and I did a mini triathlon together and I think we might try to do another slightly longer one when we've got a bit of time to actually train for it. As it was the very short one was fun and not too difficult.

Paul started 5th grade, Laszlo started 2nd grade, and Arthur had his first day of pre-school. He is loving it so far and having a lot of fun. Paul says he really likes learning about history in school and Laszlo has been going to one birthday party after another.