Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Ten Facebook Commandments

I. Thou shalt not start arguments with total strangers on a friend's post or link.

II. Thou shalt not compare your wardrobe, house, meal, or children to someone elses highly edited and filtered profile pic.

III. Thou shalt not attack a friend's political, social, or religious beliefs on their own wall or post, for behold, it is the height of rudeness.

IV. Thou shalt respect the privacy of your friends and family members in only sharing about them that which seemeth good in their eyes.

V. Thou shalt honor thy mother, father, husband, wife, and children by not speaking about them disrespectfully on this public platform that your family reunions may be long and not filled with hurtful arguments.

VI. Thou shalt stop insisting that I don't believe in God, respect the troops, or love my mother if I don't share that post. Yes I do. Let's just move on.

VII. Thou shalt not armchair parent, quarterback, or otherwise pass judgment from a place of comfort decisions others have made in a place of stress.

VIII. Thou shalt not post an excess of photos or status updates each and every day.

IX. Thou shalt not friend that middle aged divorcee from Oklahoma whom you don't know and with whom you have no mutual friends.

X. Thou shalt not let something as stupid as facebook be a tool for destroying any of the important relationships in your life.