Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Release your Inner Chef

I have found some truly delicious looking recipes in my stumbles. I keep telling myself I will do some real baking one of these days, and when I do I will make some of these incredible desserts. That day has yet to come, but I thought I might take a step forward and share these dreams of mine with people whom I love. People who just might make me one of my dream desserts when I come to visit them...

Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies

My excuse for not making these little beauties yet is that I will make them in February for either Valentines day or my Birthday. Sometimes I dream about them. Seriously.

Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies
One of these days I will put Oreos on my grocery list...

Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites

So simple and delicious, why don't I just buy some pretzels already?
I'm pretty sure if we got pretzels, they'd be gone before I had a chance to make anything. Same goes for the Oreo cookies.

Chocolate Cookie Dough Truffles

They just look so pretty. If I made them, they'd probably be a little sloppier, but they would be delicious all the same.

Maybe you will make one of these magical desserts sometime. If you do, invite me over (and make sure I can come). However, I am going to assume that no one is going to make these desserts, and we are all now in the same boat of mouth-watering longing. Don't be surprised if you start dreaming in red velvet from now on.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Art of Procrastination

As the school year begins to lose some of it's novelty and excitement, students everywhere struggle to stave off their arch nemesis: procrastination.
Procrastination takes many forms, but I would like to take a moment to share with you my personal favorites.

1) The world's top search engine and research tool is also the easiest way to avoid work because it's so similar to real work. For example, I need to find some more music by a specific composer. I google his name, listen to some music on youtube, read his bio, and look up some music books. All of this I need to get done, but it is perhaps not as pressing as writing an analysis of Pre-Classical musical expectations for my history class, because the analysis is due in two days.

2) I never spend more than a few minutes on facebook--social networking is just not very time consuming--but it is always just there. It's a little something to do when you don't want to do your homework. It's a tiny but effective procrastination technique.

3) The greatest lie ever told: "I can do my homework while I watch a movie that I've seen a thousand times." Netflix has made this easier than ever, and if it weren't for my determination to graduate in the spring, I would probably be watching some darn thing right now.

4) I feel that if the tumblr Reasoning with Vampires was updated 20 times daily, it would be more of a time suck. As it is, it can't even eat up more than a minute of my 'study time' each day, much to my own chagrin. But, I thought I might share a hilarious little tidbit that was posted today:

5) My final procrastination tool probably comes as no surprise. I am quite certain that all of you use it for the same reason, and probably just as frequently as I do. It is, of course, blogger.

Now, as the conclusion of this post, I would like to thank all of you for making my procrastinating dream a reality. I will now return to the following productive activities:

Finishing my Caine Ambassador application
Writing my analysis of a Beethoven Trio
Memorizing a Bernstein song cycle
Practicing piano
Cleaning house
Making dinner

...All while watching back to back episodes of Psych!