Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The Trilogy is Complete

 Here we are! 2021 has revealed itself to be the ill-advised sequel to 2020 that no one wanted and I still haven't watched that show everyone else says is great. Some things never change!

But I'm here with proof that sometimes things do change and change for the better.

We were surprised with an early arrival of our third installment of the Phillips Boy Trilogy the morning of Christmas Eve. Meet Arthur Lee, clone #3, who was born on a very memorable day at the end of a very memorable year. He came three weeks sooner than expected, healthy, with fully formed chubby cheeks.

How did you spend Christmas? I spent the night in the hospital getting mediocre room service, being awakened repeatedly, and I watched gift opening via zoom. Fortunately, Arthur and I got to come home around noon on Christmas day.

Big brothers love our newest little doppelganger. They want to hold him, play with him, give him hugs and kisses, and read him bed time stories.

I managed to bribe my kids into posing for some cute pictures together. Fortunately being silly in photos works for me, because that is what I got!

Baby's first outing was going down town to see the Macy's candy windows. It was short, sweet, and chilly. Arthur slept through it, which is really the best case scenario.

And here's a pile of pictures because babies are cute and I need to document the cuteness for posterity. I'm too tired to say anything cute, but a picture is worth a thousand words. Here is a brief novella's worth about Arthur.