March is nearly over, and spring is starting (albeit fitfully). Here are some of our fun winter adventures:
Laszlo got a new sled for Christmas, but we had to wait for a decent snowfall before we could really use it. Luckily it only took a couple weeks. We had a great time at our favorite local hilly spot!
Winter included lots of family game days when we wanted to stay warm and dry inside. The trick is to distract Arthur so he doesn't try to steal the game pieces.
We took Pa Duane out for lunch for his birthday. Arthur was being extra cute and copying grandpa and we enjoyed some excellent El Salvadorian food.
Lee had to travel for work the week of Valentine's Day, so the boys and I spent the evening with Grandparents and had delicious take out. On the weekend when Lee got home, we got to go out for sushi and Thai food. It was definitely worth the wait.
It was so exciting for the weather to start warming up in March. The kids can actually play outside with their friends now! Easter being in March is too early for me, but we managed to do way more fun stuff than usual for the holiday.
We did an Easter breakfast and egg hunt at church, which the kids loved. It was nice to have it indoors since the weather was still quite cold. The boys finished off all their candy that same day.
We also did an egg hunt at Grandma Jamie and Pa Duane's house with our Colorado cousins. Some of the eggs were VERY hard to find. Not Arthur's, but some of Laszlo's and Max's were expertly hidden.
It required adult assistance to find the last couple of eggs. Actually, we had to ask the kids who helped hide the eggs where to find a few because even the adults couldn't find them!
Laszlo assures me that he had a good time, but he refuses to smile for photos.
They set up crafts, painting, games, a bouncy house, and snacks in the gym and had some poor teenager dressed as a creepy Easter Bunny.
Well, Paul and Laszlo thought he was creepy. Arthur wanted to give him a hug.
Then they lined everyone up and escorted the group into the pool area. There were hundreds of eggs in the water (floating and sunk). Each kid could collect 5 eggs, then just play in the pool for 30 minutes or so. At the end, everyone turns in their eggs and picks up a treat bag.
Lee and Karen got in the water with the kids to make sure we didn't have any emergencies, and I think I'll do the same next year. The pool area is too warm for sweaters and jeans!
I think swimming and diving for eggs was a universal win, every boy loved it! Happy Easter, everyone!