Monday, April 25, 2011

This is me pretending Dead Week isn't happening.

For those of you who can remember your college experience (or your children's college experience) I am sure you know what No Test Week is. It's the week before finals when Professors aren't allowed to give you tests. We call it Dead Week. For some reason, gigantic final projects and presentations are not considered tests, though they eat up just as much preparation time. I have three of those due this week (had to perform a piece I wrote in my Music Theory class today. Nightmare!)
Anyway, as an attempt to lighten the mood, ignore my school related stress, and celebrate that I'll be at my wedding reception a month from now, I have decided to celebrate Dead Week in style. Introducing...

Claire's Top Five Things That are Dead!
A Dead Week Tribute.

Number Five: Vampires.
They are dead literally in the sense that they are no longer alive. They
Just have no place among us in the land of the living and should probably get on with their afterlives already. I would like to think that the pre-teen world's unhealthy obsession with these Hell-beasts has expired as well, but I know it'll take a few more years of metaphoric "Vampire-itis" before the inflammation dies down and the disease is eradicated.

Number Four: Disco.
It has been many decades since Saturday Night Fever and the Bee Gees.
Many dance crazes and musical styles have come and gone since. But, in my French class, the Discotheque was one of the four locations to which we knew how to ask directions. I thought to myself, "Man, this textbook is outdated! No one goes to the Disco anymore!" But after spending time in Italy and talking to the tour guide, I've learned that Discotheque is thriving in Europe. Let it go, Europe. Let it go.

Number Three: This Guys Hand.
Seriously, Anyone stupid enough to get this close to a Great White Shark deserves what happens to them. Idiot.

Number Two: Half of These Guys.

Number One: Richard Harris.
I know this happened a long time ago, but every time I watch one of the
newer Harry Potter movies I think to myself, "I miss Richard Harris." I mean, when I read about Dumbledore's passing on, I think I cried for days. When I watched it on the movie, I was thinking, "FINALLY! Now I don't have to watch Michael Gambon storm around like he's in a drunken rage anymore." Maybe that is why #7 part 1 was the best of the movies so far...less Gambon...

Monday, April 4, 2011

I am ignoring the fact that I am in the Opera this week and therefore talking about something unrelated.

Life Lesson #52: When playing Tag, I am good at the part where I get "tagged."

I've been participating in USU's game of Humans vs. Zombies for about twelve hours now. I became a Zombie after I'd been on campus for only one hour. ONE. How pathetic am I? Well, thanks mom for the nerf guns, thanks Lee for the survival training, and I again apologize for the injury received in the process. You can get the stitches out on Thursday, and we won't have to think about it anymore. Until then, I am craving brains.