Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Words of Wisdom from Dr. Scheer

My studying for my last final has turned to nostalgia as I look over a semester's notes. Though these pages include copious amounts of factoids and cultural generalizations, I have also been keeping track of the plethora of entertaining things that pop our of my professors mouth. Here is what I really learned this semester:

Dr. Scheer quotes:
"I haven't lost my graduate student foraging instinct."
"No questions? I must be brilliant!"
"I don't know if you know this about me, but I kind of really like food...don't know if you can tell."
"I'm really more of a Severus Snape kind of character."
"Perfect attendance is, as you know, a reward unto itself."
"Now I turn the time over to our favorite narrator: the disinterested British guy."
[referring to fellow professor and "arch nemesis"] "Vaclavik and his purple sweater today."
[referring to a Javanese instrument] "Saron. Not the evil Lord."
[still referring to Javanese instrument] "It can be a mighty racket."
"We've been together for a while...it's not you, it's me."
"I would like to state publicly that this does not constitute as a bribe."
"I will occasionally throw things for emphasis."
"having pitched battles of the West Side Story type."
[referring to a harp] "mechanical workings that break constantly and cost a fortune to fix!"**
"I love how the DVD player always welcomes me...and then asks me to wait."

**I understand his wife is a harpist, so this statement should be read vehemently, as only a venting spouse can.


  1. Did you say "last final"? It does a mother's heart good.

  2. Is a Javanese instrument anything like a Japanese instrument? I don't know what Javanese is. Also is there really someone with the last name Vaclavik?

  3. Java is one of the larger islands of Indonesia. Yes, Dr. Vaclavik is a real person and that is really how you spell his name. Pronounced VAK-la-vik.

  4. I wouldn't graduate if I were you: I'd try to take more classes from this guy.
