Friday, June 14, 2013

Baby Naming Contest!

Calling on all your creative faces! I have some reasonable, normal, human names picked out for this baby o'mine. BUT nothing is final until November, so I want some input. Specifically, I want some Utah names so this little alien knows it's heritage!

I am enlisting the aid of any and all readers of this blog to help me find the perfect Utah name. Here's what you have to do:

Step 1: Find an excellent Utah name.

Step 2: Utilize the comment section of this blog to share said Utah name with me (include some kind of pronunciation guide) Each participant is permitted 2 entries: 1 male + 1 female OR 1 unisex + 1 unisex OR 1 male + 1 unisex OR 1 female + 1 unisex. 

Step 3: Wait a week while I decide on my top two favorites. Both will be celebrated for their creativity and Utah-ness, neither will be the name of my first born.

Happy naming! May the worst name win!


  1. In the famous Utah tradition of comboing parent names i give you Leeca (leek-ah) and Burnillips (Burr-Nil-Ups).

  2. I'm also going with the good ol' Utah name combo approach, as well as the excessive use of the letter y.

    Girl: Clayriley (claire-ih-lee)
    Boy: Fylyp (Phillip)

  3. Brinderella (like Cinderella) and Marvelous Man (no joke, that's a boy's name.)

  4. Sometimes Utah names are two names that HAVE to go together. So the girl name is: Viquetori Maschaele (victory mish-ay-la)
    and the boy name is: Brocklee Livitiqus (broccoli leviticus)

  5. Boy: Kaizen (kaɪˌzɛn) Japanese for improvement
    Girl: Shitsubō shita (pronounced just as it is spelled) Also Japanese

  6. You should name him after your grandparents of course...
    Daka Dujam

  7. Girl: I once knew a Dawntasia (don-tay-juh). No joke.

    Boy: My brother met a kid named Allstar at a basketball camp (pronounced as it's spelled). I thought it was awfully optimistic of his parents.

  8. Girl: Brighaminie (Briga-minnie)
    Unisex - Zestpoole

    These are totes real.

  9. Boy: L. Powell Phillips (for Lake Powell and so he can be a general authority someday)
    Girl: Nevaeh (Neh-vay-uh) which is "Heaven" spelled backwards...I have met two people with this name!

  10. I've got it! Sorry this one is submitted by Liam instead of me since I've already submitted one: Phillip Bradley Phillips (Named after boy me and boy you.)
