Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A late birthday and a hot hike.

Lee's birthday was a month ago. It has taken me that long to plug the camera into my laptop and get some pictures uploaded because I can only use my computer when Paul is asleep. Here are just a few little photos of Paul being cute and some hiking we did at Madera Canyon:

Here is Lee's birthday cake, a heavenly combination of brownie, oreo, whipped cream, and pudding. And rather than using 25 candles, we used a row of lit and unlit candles to count to 25 in binary. Engineers...sheesh.

To celebrate, we went to Madera Canyon for hiking and a picnic. Most of the trails up there are too advanced to do with a 20 pound dead-weight strapped to your chest, so we chose a shorter one and didn't hike the whole thing. We thought we'd be higher elevation so it wouldn't be so hot, but it wasn't that high and it was still darn hot.

Paul likes it when we hike him around.

Paul does not much care for hats.

Fortunately, there was one trail at least that was handicap accessible, which meant a stroller could be used instead of the back-breaker (aka carrier).

Paul has been exploring foods more and more lately. He really likes raspberries, but he learned that he could squish them and play with them instead of eat them:

You can't see it, but his arms were stained pink by raspberry juice.

We let him play with some strings of apple peel while I was making apple pie. Turns out it was the best toy a kid could ask for. Tangly, sticky, and tasty!

That's apple peel dangling from his mouth.
We hope to have more exciting adventures now that it has cooled down to the low 90s, and I am horribly jealous of everyone who is starting to see fall weather already. We probably won't see that till December! Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. That little Paul is so cute. I want to kiss his chubby little cheeks. I love these pictures of him!
