Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Our First Visitors

Grandma Karen and Grandpa Dave came to visit last week, our first house guests in our first home! We tried to make sure they had plenty to do--mostly fun things--while they were here.

While we were trying to make our house ready for visitors, Paul discovered the following amazing toy and made a big mess:

One of the first things we did with our company was drive to Tubac for the Luminaria. Beautiful lights, music, and Paul got to meet Santa Claus!

That is a real Saguaro skeleton, filled with Christmas lights.

Paul insists he has been quite good this year, and he's so cute I just can't disagree.

No jackets necessary!
We visited the Pima Air and Space Museum and it was pretty fantastic. Hundreds of planes, including some more hands on activities, and lots of floor for Paul to wander around on.

Pilot in training!

Baby astronaut.

This is the same kind of plane that Grandpa Lietz flew in as a flight engineer. Isn't that a cool bit of family history?
Lee and a missile which I cannot identify for legal reasons.
 We started a little home improvement project with the help of our hard working visitors. Paul tried his best to be underfoot and in the way at all times, he thought digging with this spade was just about the best game he's ever played.

Paul and Grandma Karen workin' in the yard.

Did you know that we live a mile away from a Cold War Era Missile Silo? It has been maintained as a museum, and the missile is still here (it isn't loaded, obviously.) but we got to take a look at one of the largest missiles ever made: the Titan II.

The missile is about 7 stories tall.
Sadly, we had to say good-bye to Grandma and Grandpa Phillips on Friday, but we are sure glad they came to spend the week with us!