Friday, November 18, 2016

Our Family of Four

With the arrival of George Laszlo Phillips on November 12th, that makes our family a party of four. We are lucky that baby Laszlo has been such an angel and Paul has graciously taken to big brotherhood with minimal acting out. Paul is always concerned about where the baby is, what he's doing, and likes to hold the baby on his lap. Laszlo likes to eat, occasionally open his eyes, and poop in his sleep.

7 lbs 4 oz, 19.5 in, born at 8:55 A.M. 11/12/16
If I look pale in this photo, it is probably because my body was in shock. If you are into harrowing birth stories, give me a ring and I will tell you all about it (but probably a slightly toned down version where I in no way sobbed like a toddler or panicked or anything totally un-macho) I will spare the rest of you and let you go on enjoying your pristine visions of the miracle of life.

This guy is just relieved he didn't have to play doctor
in the front seat of our Prius.

I am not shocked by how tiny my baby is, I am shocked by how big my 3 year old is. I swear he was smaller last week! He suddenly looks bigger and older and in all things more grown up than he did 6 days ago.

We are extremely glad to have only had to spend one night in the hospital this time around. It meant only one night of nurse-interrupted sleep, less hospital food, and we were able to spend Paul's birthday at home. We played with his gifts, ate cupcakes, and now Paul thinks there is a never ending supply of presents coming his way. With his birthday so near Christmas he isn't wrong.

We really love our little Laszlo! It seems that the dearest desire of his heart is to be held as much as possible, which we are happy to oblige.


  1. Adorabel family! Congratulations!

  2. This is so adorable I then I had to show it to all my co-workers. We all began saying "baby!" repeatedly. Imagine Finding Nemo "Mine" and you've got an idea. We all agree two very cute babies.
