Thursday, December 1, 2016

Outdoor Thanksgiving

While most everyone else was toiling over their ovens to create the perfect feast, we lazed about in the sunshine in our backyard. A newly landscaped backyard! In three days, the good fellows of Red Desert Landscape Renovations transformed our yard from plain dirt and weeds into this:

The artificial grass is so soft we had to kick our shoes off immediately after going outside, and Paul refuses to wear shoes in the backyard now. We had a nice little picnic and ran around playing "tickle and chase"--Paul's favorite game--while Laszlo napped on his blanket.

Now we are prepared to plant some shrubberies and flowers and call the yard finished! This year, I am especially thankful to have a backyard for us to play in!

1 comment:

  1. It's beautiful. the most beautiful part? The adorable baby plants you have that look remarkably like my nephews.
