Monday, January 8, 2018

The 2017 Round Up and BIG NEWS

Here is how we finished out 2017:

We had some visitors for Thanksgiving, Grandma Jamie and Pa Duane! I kind of, sort of took pictures while they were visiting...

Paul at the Titan Missile Museum.

Grandma and Paul show off his freshly cracked open geode. 

Grandpa reads Paul a story...

Laszlo has really arrived at being his own transportation, he walks and runs everywhere, we tried having him carry burdens like a tiny didn't work out very well.

We made our annual trip down to Tubac for the Luminaria and the kids got to sit on Santa's lap. Their reactions...varied. A lot.

We got to spend Christmas and New Years with our family up in Utah, we had a great time and a miraculously beautiful white Christmas! On our way up we stopped at Bryce Canyon National Park. Because it was so gorgeous I took a ton of pictures, pardon me as I indulge in over sharing...

I think this was actually the coldest weather we experienced on our trip and the kids did fine with it. Well, aside from when Paul wanted to play with snow but he wasn't wearing any gloves. It was quite a shock for him I am sure.

We saw lights on Temple Square, Paul decorated a gingerbread house, and both our kids played with cousins and aunties and uncles and grandmas and grandpas till they dropped.

Paul and cousins Weston and Noelle.

Phillips, Burnett, and Johnston families at Temple Square.

The holiday display windows at Macy's.

Paul liked eating his gingerbread house just as much as decorating.
The least blurry picture of Christmas morning.

It took Paul a while to "get" snow. He wanted it cleared away so he could play.

"But I look RIDICULOUS!" Paul says as he begrudgingly
holds still for a picture.
Yes, 2017 turned into a very busy year for us and it ended with some very big news which I have waited till the end of the post to share because I am a jerk like that.
We're moving! Lee took a job in El Segundo California so we will be relocating there in March. as to where we are living and what we are thinking, I have no answers for you. But if you know someone in the area who wants some very nice, reliable renters give me their number. And while I know you are all trying to decide how to casually suggest staying with us on your trip to Disneyland, you are welcome to come stay, but you will probably be sleeping on the floor in a closet because I don't imagine we'll have very much space. Here's to hoping for good things in 2018! Happy New Year everyone!

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