Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Google is Worse than America

Google and it's various products (Gmail, Blogger) are officially more complex that the U.S. Government. Getting a new Social Security card was much easier that getting a new e-mail address. I have spent HOURS trying to delete previous, out of date emails, transfer contacts, and allowing my self to become an administrator on my own blog. I was very tempted to just wipe the slate clean and start all over again, but I persevered. Now, I am successfully posting on my blog as phillips.claire89@gmail.com! The fight isn't over yet, however. Lisa, if you want me to read/comment on your blog, please invite my new e-mail address.

I am toying with the idea of re-designing and re-naming my blog. Does anyone have any suggestions??


  1. Write What You Phil
    Squirrel Garage Sale
    Plots for Sitcoms
    The Clean Slate
    More Songs about Buildings and Food
    The Logan Lowdown
    As of Yet Untitled

  2. To my sister Phillips,
    Go for a more classical look. Pale background elaborate cursive lettering, odd old english spelling and name it The Muse of Meryton....I've already sent you a new invite and eagerly await your acceptance
    your sister Sanderson
