Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Summer 2023 Round Up!

What a busy summer it's been! We got to visit with cousin Aubrie in June, we took her to the zoo and had entirely too much fun.

 Lee had to travel for work, but we did not let that slow us down. Visiting the various splash pads and public parks near us provided a lot of fun for us.

Here's a great little video of Arthur showing off his dare devil jumping skills. This kids is way too coordinated for a two year old.

Lee and I joined up with his parents on an overnight camping trip so we could do the Muddy Dash at Solider's Hollow. The race was really fun, but I think the best bit was visiting Cascade Falls nearby.

The "Dash" part was is a bit of a misnomer, I didn't run at all. The "Muddy" part though, we did get extremely muddy.

While we did that, the boys got to do some Independence Day celebrations with their cousins and their other grandparents.

one of the perks of having a cousin work for the parks department is that they'll give you a ride at the city Independence Day celebrations.

We got to see even more cousins in Ogden; Aubrie, Kaden, and Violette came for a visit and the kids played non-stop. We visited Karen and Dave's neighbor who is building a pretty neat little museum in his back yard. The highlight is the renovated train car. 

It sure looks like a fun place to spend the night!

The kids have been playing with friends nearly every day this summer. One of those days, we met up with several neighbourhood friends to visit the Cavanaugh Chocolate Factory.

We had a good time with the 24th of July celebrations at Bountiful Park. The kids couldn't get enough of the bounce houses.

We bought ourselves a new family vehicle: Right now it's all pedal powered, but soon we'll have a battery to give it a little assistance. Then we'll really get cruising!

I'm not giving any context for the next photo. It doesn't help.

We had a whole bundle of cousins come visit at the end of July, culminating in a big celebration for my parent's 50th wedding anniversary. We threw them a little surprise party, which was a blast. I'm not sure which is more unexpected: a marriage lasting through 6 kids and 50 years, or how good my sister is at building balloon arches.

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