Saturday, May 1, 2010

Life Lesson #12

Life Lesson #12: Sometimes the best way to be nice is to be a jerk.

Good time to be a Jerk: When this weirdie creeper guy from Ogden hits on you so you tell him, in the bluntest way possible, that you are really only interested in dating guys who are returned missionaries who want to get married in the Temple. Being a jerk is effective at this time because he probably won't call you back.

Bad time to be a Jerk: When a poor college student working a crappy job doing phone surveys calls and asks you about the car service at a dealership you just had. She didn't know you were eating dinner/had been called a million times/wasn't interested/hated being kind and charitable to your fellow men and enjoy throwing kittens into ovens and taking candy from babies. Being a jerk isn't effective at this time because she might have had a bad day and is feeling vindictive so she schedules a call back for you in exactly one hour. If you had just taken the stupid 2 minute survey, you'd be done. If you had politely asked to be put on the do not call list, you'd be done. But now you will have to explain to some other poor college student that you enjoy eating humanitarian aid kits for disaster victims for breakfast and would sell you children's souls to the devil to avoid a bad day in the stock market. You would just be making a whole lot of work for yourself that all could have been avoided if you only knew the appropriate time to be a jerk.


  1. If only I could keep my job AND be a jerk. The closest I get to rude is being brief and slightly loud. I still tell them to have a nice day in my sweetest voice so as to make him/her more angry.

  2. Ask them what they're having for dinner, and then say, "Mmm. That sounds really good."
