Saturday, August 21, 2010

Barbie Names: Part Two

Household Names:

1. Purina- A common brand of dog food.

2. Cabella- An outdoors men superstore.

3. Macy- Either a department store or a grocery store.

Body Parts:

1. Patella- The flat, triangular bone situated at the anterior part of the knee

2. Aorta- The main trunk of the systemic arteries.

3. Embryo- the prenatal stage of mammalian development characterized by rapid morphological changes and the differentiation of basic structures.

4. Placenta- A highly vascular fetal organ through which the fetus absorbs oxygen and other nutrients and excretes carbon dioxide and other wastes. It begins to form about the eighth day of gestation.

And that's it for the Barbie Names series! Thank you folks for listening. If you have any ideas for another genre of Barbie name, let me know and I might collect a few. Next time we will return to our usual format. This is CNN...I mean, Claire's Blog...


  1. Scabies, Scurvy, schzophrenic the triplets...

  2. Drug names are always fun too. Not the generic names (although hydrochlorothiazide is kind of catchy) but the brand names. Allegra, Enbrel and Protonix to name a few.

  3. I've always like Meconium (an infant's earliest poops). A nurse we knew loved to tell about some parents who named their daughter Meconium.

  4. I am currently watching, or trying hard not to watch, a Barbie mermaid movie. The main character is named "Merlea" I think you should have a series of compound names. Something trendy with something nonsensical like Katelexa or Belladina or Madelora.
    Or take Blogger security words, like mine, Scaded
