Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Six months of Lessons

I realized that it has been almost exactly six months since I first started this Blog, and therefore, it is a record of all the important life lessons I have learned in that period of time. Isn't that sad? This understanding has led me to my newest life lesson...

Life Lesson #38: I learn very slowly.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to go see if I can't make friends by yelling rude comments at self-conscious looking strangers. I don't know why it hasn't been working for me so far...


  1. Also a good way to make friends is to engage in charades without telling them. Pantomiming an ape, an apple being picked, or a giant squid and making them guess that your playing charades is sure fire way to worm your way into their hearts.

  2. 38 lessons in 6 months? I've spent whole decades learning less. Keep up the good work.
