Halloween I: The Antics Halloween show on Friday night. We gave away prizes, dressed up in costumes, and made lots of people laugh.
In this picture there are several favorite characters such as Earl from my name is Earl, Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama, April O'Neill and Casey Jones from TMNT, and Finn from Adventure Time. There is also a Fairy, a Moth, a Dog, a Sith, Lady Gaga, and me: a Devil. For the especially observant, every body's favorite unobtrusive beanpole is in the picture as well. The question is, where IS Waldo?
Halloween II: The party at my place on Saturday night. We had more snacks than anyone should ever eat, a super rad dance party, but we were all exhausted by midnight.
I figured after being a Devil, I should be an Angel to make up for it, so here is my angel costume.
Halloween III: Actual Halloween. We were tired, feeling especially lazy, and it was raining all day. We made pumpkin soup, pasta, and watched "Let the Right One in" a pretty creepy movie. Well, I would have been creeped out if Lee Phillips hadn't been squeamish enough for all of us. All in all, Halloween was a lot of fun.
Now it's time for the season before Christmas music, but after Halloween movies: early November. And what do we do in early November? Listen to the band, The Early November!!
I think this time of year its time to pack up everything you own and move to Texas. This is my second year running, doing just that. It could be a long standing tradition in the making.