Life Lesson #1: Never assume a strangers gender on the phone because of their name or the sound of their voice. Do not use titles like "sir" or "ma'am" until you have confirmed whether they are male or female. Or both. Somehow...
Good Example: Today I spoke to a person named Holly. Holly had a very low voice and a thick accent. I still do not know if Holly was in fact a man or a woman. I made sure not to reference Holly's gender at all throughout the conversation. This protected Holly from being offended and me from looking like an idiot. This is a win-win situation.
Bad Example: A few days ago, I spoke to a person with an unpronounceable, *unspellable name. I assumed that person was male. I asked whether "he" was available. The nice lady on the phone said that I was speaking to -insert said unpronounceable, *unspellable name here-. I felt embarrassed. Lesson learned.
I look forward to sharing more life lessons in the future if you are bored enough at work to continue reading!
*Note to the reader: I made this word up, I think. Or, rather, spell check thinks...
I once had my life threatened during one such phone call. It ended on less violent terms, but the offended man asked, "Does my voice really sound like a chick?"